Anne Azam- Pradeilles, graduate of the Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA, France), was high official of the French Ministry of Interior and of the French DATAR [now Commissariat général à l' Egalité des Territoires ( cget ) ]. She currently works as an international expert in the organization of public administration and public governance in general.
She also has a remarkable associative activity in France and all over the world.
She chairs the Scientific Public Governance Council of SDMED.
EUROPA is a Council of Europe recognized NGO aiming at bringing together in a European newtork of experts -- academics and reseachers, civil servants and public employees in both State central and deconcentrated administrations and in decentralised self-governments. Since April 2012, I am Vice-President in charge of international cooperation and of the animation of the network of the 28 EU country correspondants plus members from the EU Neighbourhood Policy. As deputy editor-in-chief, in charge of preparing the 2nd issue of EUROPA Journal, REAP N°2 (Revue Européenne de l'Administration Publique) on Security. EUROPA website : EUROPA has signed covenants with a network of EU universities and with other associations or experts networks : AERTE / STREA (European association of Territorial State Representatives, prefects, governors, delegates of the government, voivod etc.), NISPAcee (Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe) etc.
FERAM -- Forum d'Etudes et de Rencontres Administratifs Mondiaux -- is a French association created in 1965, 50 years ago, to assist foreign ENA / IIAP (Institut International d'Administration Publique) trainees during their training sessions in France. First called "Foyer d'entraide et de rencontres pour les étudiants africains et malgaches" in the 60s, it has become a "Forum d'Echanges et de Rencontres Administratifs Mondiaux" (Worldwide Administrative Exchange and Meeting Forum). It invites keynote speakers to deliver short presentations and animate debates (usually during a breakfast, dinner or cocktail) on Public Administration related themes to the participants of ENA CISAP training sessions (CISAP = Cycle International d'Administration Publique Spécialisée, Specialised Public Administration International Cycles). The 50 Year Anniversary FERAM Conference took place at ENA in Paris on Monday October 5th 2015. The website (in construction) presents the history of the association, its activities, the international network of former IIAP and ENA alumni all over the world. The language used is usually French but can be English, Spanish, German or any other language if needed in the future. FERAM correspondants are invited to strengthen the network in their own respective countries. A Newletter will inform FERAM members and friends all over the world. A high-level steering committee is working on the next steps. Anne has been elected Vice-President in June 2015.