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SDMed Team

Institutional partners


Thematic directions and field of cooperation
Main joint activities
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Association HQE (FR)
  • Integration and implementation of sustainable development in construction and of environmental quality in the built environment at all spatial scales ( building, city and neighbourhood, territory, region ), in France, in South Europe and in the East and West Mediterranean


  • Transfer of French and Greek know-how on sustainable construction and environmental quality in South Europe and the Mediterranean
-Participation in the SB05MED/LIFE
Euro-Mediterranean Conference, Athens 9-10-11 June 2005
-SD-MED Process ( validation)


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Mediterranean Union of Architects
  •  Mediterranean Architecture and sustainable development
  •   Architectural and Environmental Quality of urban space and of the built environment in all spatial scales, in the Mediterranean.
  •   Management of architectural and cultural heritage and sustainable development
 Support of the SB05MED/LIFE Euro-Mediterranean Conference, held in Athens , 9-10-11 June 2005
Support of the 1st French-Hellenic and International Meeting "Urban Planning and sustainable development", 16-17 may 2007


Syndicat National des Amenageurs Lotisseurs ( SNAL, FR)
  • Sustainable development in spatial planning
  •   Sustainable development and urban planning
  • Sustainable development in the urban project and in urban management
 Co- host of the 1st  French-Hellenic and International Meeting on "Urban planning and sustainable development " and the SNAL Visits in Athens, 16-17 May 2007.
Collaboration in ecodevelopment and eco-neighbornoods


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  •  Public Management- Territorial Management and sustainable development


  •  Role of public services in the sustainable territorial management, in France, in Europe and in the Mediterranean
-Participation in the SB05MED, Athens , 9-10-11 June 2005
- Participation of the SD-MED Team of experts in the Project« Guichets Uniques » of the French DIACT( ex.DATAR)
 -Participation of EUROPA in the SB08MED&EXPO, Athens , 10-11-12 January 2008
-Participation of SD-MED in the Annual Events of EUROPA and all the EUROPA activities