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Main challenge of SD-MED is to promote the idea and practice of sustainable development through cooperation between players and stakeholders at various different levels focusing on :  

  1. terrestrial spatial planning and urban environment and construction
  2. maritime spatial planning and ecosystem-based management 
  3. green infrastracture and ecosystem services based spatial planning, including in the urban context

The actors

  • All territorial actors and players at various different levels (local, regional, national, European, international) and civil society agencies active in sustainable development and sustainable construction iissues.

The means

  • Activities of various kinds (information, education, culture) to stimulate public awareness through such means as lectures, seminars, conferences, publications, and the Internet sites.
  • Accumulating, structuring, and monitoring the required body of knowledge and information, creating databases for sustainable construction, internationally and specifically in the Mediterranean region, and for the policy of individual countries about sustainable construction and environmental quality.
  • Holding workshops and setting up networks to carry out events, to publish information, to work on studies and projects, to conduct research and to provide consultancy facilities on sustainable development and on high environmental quality on all spatial scales (building, spatial unity, regional scale, etc).
  • Making representations to the appropriate national and European authorities and to international organizations, and joining European and international networks with goals similar to those of this Association.
  • Any action, in general, conducive to the transmission of technical and technological know-how into and out of the Mediterranean region, and to cultural dialogue and mutual economic support between Mediterranean players.

The modes of action

  • Developing scientific and technical cooperation and cultural and economic contacts relating to sustainable development issues, between Greece, France and the other countries of the Mediterranean region
  • Promoting Greek, French and international technical and technological know-how, culture, and science relating to sustainable construction
  • Tightening and enhancing of Greek-French and international relationsUndertaking joint projects in the context of the European Union and other international organisations or networks.
  • Promoting cultural dialogue and economic solidarity
  • Incorporating sustainable development criteria and the concept and methodology of high environmental quality into programmes and projects on all spatial scales (building scale, city scale, spatial planning scale, regional scale)
  • Promoting partnerships between and active participation by local and regional players, local populations, users and consumers so as to shape options that will be of benefit to sustainable development and sustainable construction and to implement and evaluate relevant programmes and projects.
  • Educating or training regional and local players and agencies so as to ensure shared understanding and enable them actively to take part in planning, shaping and operating environmental quality plans and programmes.
  • Reinforcing the transfer and exchange of innovative techniques, methods, instruments and other means the aim of which is sustainable construction and building of high environmental quality in the Mediterranean region.
  • Developing basic methodologies which correspond to particular local problems and needs, and helping local players and agencies to create systems adjusted to their own local conditions.

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