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Past events


  • 11 May 2001 International Workshop ( Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, Municipality of Volos , Thematic Network PRESCO for sustainable construction) : " Modern forms of construction and environmental protection: Technical and environmental performance and energy saving in public buildings" , Municipality of Volos Headquarters , ( sponsor : National Centre of Public Administration)  * for the CD of Proceedings, please contact the SD-MED Secretariat : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • 27-28 June 2002  3rd European Ministers conference on sustainable housing in Europe - Genval - Belgique/Belgium Participation in the experts panels of D.Bidou (FR) and St.Kyvelou (GR)
  • 31 March 2004  INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR, Recent development of building environmental certification, labelling and assessment tools in different countries , CSTB, 4 Avenue du Recteur Poincare, Paris 16ème


  • 10-11 Μarch 2005  Invitation/Presentation of SD-MED in the 4th National Conference ""Assises de la HQE",  Reims
  • 9-10-11 June 2005 : Euro-mediterranean Conference LIFE SB-MED, Athens, Conference and Training Center of the National Bank of Greece "Sustainable construction: action for sustainability in the Mediterranean region". Under SD-MED's  scientific and organizational co-ordination, an International Conference (SB05MED) was held in Athens on the 9th-11th June 2005, in the frame of the LIFE SB-MED Project which was elaborated by the SD-Med Informal Network, with the title «Sustainable Construction: action for sustainability in the Mediterranean region». The Conference has been hosted by the Municipality of Athens, the Municipality of Athens Development Agency, beneficiary of the LIFE SB-MED Project and by  some LIFE SB-MED Project partners ( UEHR, Panteion University and the NGO Clean-Up Greece). It has been supported by the International organisations iiSBE, CIB, UNEP/DTIE and OECD, by the UIA/ARES Group, the UMAR,  the GBC Spain etc.  
  • The event, with 200 stakeholders, previewed to be  fully supported by the LIFE-ENV EC Programme, was put under the aegis of the Mayor of Athens, the Minister of Development and the Central Union of Municipalities and Communities of Greece. In the frame of creating synergies and transferring LIFE projects outputs at the international, the event was, in parallel, a part of the SB04 regional event series and as such treated in the preparation for the Global Sustainable Building 2005 Conference that was to be held in September 2005 in Tokyo (SB05Tokyo).The culmination of this Mediterranean Event was the Sustainable Building and Construction Mediterranean Report» dealing with regional issues to be solved regarding the concept and implementation of sustainable building. It also provided an overview of issues and barriers calling for regional, European and international attention. The official languages of the conference were Greek, English and French. Should you need more information, download the Proceedings of the Meeting and the Conference Programme.  
  • 14, 15 and 16 mars The SD-MED International Forum, based in Paris, supports the "1st National Meeting on sustainable construction" held in St Raphael. Please, download the Agenda of the Meeting here ! 
  • 16-17 May 2007  French-Hellenic and International Meeting on « Urban planning and management and sustainable development » on the initiative of the SD-MED Association. Host : University of Social and Political Sciences of Athens under the aegis of the French Embassy in Greece and the French Institute of Athens, venue: French Institute of Athens. Parallel event : SD-MED, in cooperation with SNAL ( and the University of Social and Political Sciences of Athens, holds the " Visites du SNAL 2007" in Athens.
  • 12,13,14 September 2007 SD-MED supports the International Conference for Western Europe ( pre-Melbourne SB08 ) held in Lisbon in September 2007, with the title "Sustainable Construction, Materials and Practices: Challenge of the Industry for the New Millennium", Main organizers : Minho-UM University, Lisbon Technical University.
  • 16-17 September 2007 SD-MED supports the International Conference on "European city: urbanisation and architecture, security and finance",  Sofia , Bulgaria , Organized by : the National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria   


  • 10-11-12 January 2008 SB08MED&EXPO ( iiSBE, UNEP/DTIE, CIB, Melbourne SBO8) Conference "The Mediterranean city facing climate change: Innovation, investment, governance for a low-carbon city". SD-MED has coordinated the International Sustainable Building Conference 08MED (SB08MED) for the countries of the Mediterranean Basin, to be held in Athens from 10-12 January 2008 under the distinguished patronage of the French Embassy in Greece, the City of Athens and Panteion University. The organisation is undertaken by Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences jointly with the "Technopolis" Cultural Centre of Athens.  Participants : any country of the Mediterranean Basin , focusing on the East Mediterranean  ( Egypt , Turkey Syria, Lebanon , Malta , Cyprus , Serbia-Montenegro , Albania , Palestinian Authority...) Other invited countries : Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine.


  • 16 and 17 march 2009, 2nd French-hellenic Meeting for sustainable development, held in the French Institute of Athens  in the framework of the Festival "Méditrranée à la carte"
  • Event title :"European policies for territorial cohesion and sustainable development in the Mediterranean" Venue : Auditorium of the French Institute of Athens, 31 Sina Str., Athens  


  • June 19-23, 2010 Athens, Greece, "URBAN REGENERATION AND CITY BRANDING: IS MEMORY AN ASSET OR AN OBSTACLE?" 40th Annual Conference of the Johns Hopkins International Fellows in Urban Studies, Professor Georges Prevelakis, organizer, Institutional partners : Greek Ministry of Culture and Tourism- Museum of the City of Athens- Organization for Planning and Environmental Protection of Athens-SDMed Association-UMR Géographie-cités Programme Preliminary programme 


  • 24 January 2012, SDMed supported the conference : The city of tomorrow, Athens, a city to reinvent ?, French Institute of Athens- You can watch  the video of the event here !
  • 7 June 2012, SDMed meeting "Econeighborhoods-green neighborhoods : where are-we in Greece ?", Michalis Kakoyannis Foundation, co-host : Panteion University, supporters : Bodossakis Foundation, "Paremvassi"



  • 10-11-12 November 2014, "Blue Growth and land-sea interaction", Piraeus, in collaboration with ESPON Contact Point and in the framework of the ESPON-on-the-Road Project


  • 31 March 2015 : Conference of the Pioneers of Local Authorities for Energy Cost Reduction



16-17 mai 2007,"1ères Rencontres Franco-Helléniques pour le développement durable" 


Le lieu de la Conférence: L'Auditorium de 'Institut français d'Athènes

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SB08MED&Expo: La ville méditerranéenne face au changement climatique : innovation, investissement, gouvernance pour une ville sobre en carbone


Le lieu de la conférence  : Technopolis de la Ville d'Athènes   

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