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ECHOCitizen Action :  Awareness campaign on the impact of noise on the health of children and teenagers, in the City of Athens.


From birth, and even from the prenatal period, children are exposed to a rich and varied soundscape. This is essential for their cognitive development and for their adaptation to the world but it can also be detrimental to their health, especially when sound levels are too high and when an extremely long exposure may occur. Children are more vulnerable than adults, meaning that they cannot recognize a dangerous noise situation and protect themselves against it. The European legislation identifies noise as a major public health issue and calls for concrete action concerning the quality of buildings hosting children and youth protection against hearing risks deriving of amplified music.

SDMed was the inspirer and organiser of EchoPolis International 2013 ( organised in collaboration with the Attica Region in late 2013 and it also promotes educational and awareness activities in kindergartens, schools, colleges and high schools through collaborating networks it works with.

The action will aim at mobilizing all relevant stakeholders by organizing local Meetings on Noise and Health in the City of Athens, with the support of the departments responsible for public health and environment, as well as CSOs working on the topics. It will also create a training module ( city walks) on the creation of soundscapes for the participating students.

Please download here the  Action Info at a glance ! 

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Watch also, the ECHOPOLIS International 2013 web-spot here !