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SD-Med, by its mission, develops and intensifies links and synergies around joint projects of sustainable development between territorial actors, on both global, supranational (European),transnational, national, regional and local scales and between the public and the private actors. It federates around public debates and joint projects all the networks, non governmental organisations, various “ stakeholders” concerned by sustainable development in the Mediterranean. To accomplish its goals it has been put in intellectual contracts with several networks and associations but also collaborated on a volunteer and project basis, with several other public actors and local authorities by placing all its forces at their disposal. Such was, for example, the case of its co-operation with the city of Athens and its development Agency (AEDA): SD-Med considerably contributed on both the scientific and the organizational level on the one hand to conceive and submit the LIFE SB-MED project (based on the HQE) and on the other hand to coordinate in the best way the Euro-Mediterranean Conference LIFE SB-MED by giving an international range by achieving synergy with the international SB05 Tokyo organisers and all the international organisations involved : OECD, UNEP/DTIE, iiSBE, CIB etc) To see the letter of thanks on behalf of the European Commission, please click here.


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