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"Integrated development through land-sea interaction: dimensions and perspectives of blue growth in Europe and in Greece", Piraeus, 10,11&12. November 2014

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The Greek ESPON Contact Point hosts, this year, in Piraeus, two ESPONontheRoad meetings :

a Transnational ESPONontheRoad Workshop entitled "Integrated development through land-sea interaction: dimensions and perspectives of blue growth in Greece"  on the 10th and 11th November 2014

a National meeting entitled «Blue Growth for boosting jobs and youth entrepreneurship :  Employment Opportunities, Innovation & the contribution of Start Ups” on the 12th November 2014 

Venue of the events : Congress Hall of the Piraeus Port Authority (OLP), Akti Miaouli

The National Contact Point ESPON 2013, in the  framework of the transnational networking activity entitled "ESPON-on-the-ROAD" ( in which it is  currently participating as key partner in cooperation with 18 other countries and  Lead partner the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR),   organizes a Transnational Meeting in Piraeus on the 10th and 11th November 2014.

The meeting is aiming at presenting and analyzing  all dimensions that  "Blue Growth»  has for our country, especially  in times of economic crisis and substantial reforms in spatial and urban planning and coastal zone management . The title of the meeting "Integrated development through land-sea interaction: dimensions and perspectives of blue growth in Greece" clearly shows  the emphasis on unfolding the territorial  potential  of coastal areas and stressing the interest on the maritime dimension of   Europe 2020 Strategy by using the triptych of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

The event, through a series of thematic priorities and documentation by specialists and experts, aims at highlighting  the forms of land-sea interaction as elements of integrated coastal zone management and development, also in response to the need for an effective Maritime Spatial Planning that is expected to be formed in the coming years in the context of the European Blue Growth strategy and the Territorial Agenda of the EU 2020. According to the Territorial Agenda

Maritime activities are essential for territorial cohesion in Europe......... The Marine Strategy Framework Directive and EU Integrated Maritime Policy call for coordinated actions from Member States on maritime spatial planning. Such planning should be integrated into the existing planning systems to enable harmonious and sustainable development of a land-sea continuum.’ 

Why  Piraeus  ?

The selection of Piraeus as the reception area of this event was designed to highlight its importance for both our country and  Europe  as well.  Besides, Piraeus, the largest port in Greece and one of the most important Mediterranean ports will host the European Maritime Day on May 2015.

This meeting is expected to become a forerunner of the European Maritime Day in all Blue Growth issues. Thus different stakeholders are invited to attend the meeting, public and private bodies, as well as experts and researchers in relevant matters.

All aspects of "Blue Growth" will be presented, analyzed and discussed and  conclusions  will be published  in a collective electronic volume (e-book) that will be disseminated  to policy makers.

The meeting has been placed under the auspices of : 1. The Hellenic Ministry of Marine and Aegean 2. the Hellenic Ministrty of Tourism 3. The Piraeus Port Authority , 4. The Decentralized Administration of the Aegean and 5.the Municipality of Piraeus

For further information please download the relevant document here !

See also the the Programme of the Meetings here : 

1. in english : Agenda (EN, DOCX)  and Agenda (EN, PDF)

2. in greek : Αgenda ( EL, DOCX) and Agenda (EL,PDF) 


and download the poster of the event here ! 


Stay informed about ESPONontheRoad activities through its facebook 

Registration : In order to participate in the Event an online registration is needed. Please REGISTER HERE ! 

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Read also : Report from the ESPON Open Seminar in Nafplion - Greece, 4 and 5 June 2014 in the framework of the Greel Presidency to the EU Council