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MSP activities

Projects, Conferences, publications, interviews.






Future activities 

MSP related Publications 

Books and Book Chapters

  • Kyvelou S. (ed.) : “Maritime spatial issues : maritime dimension of territorial cohesion, maritime spatial planning, sustainable blue growth”, ed.KRITIKI, Athens, 2016, p.652 (in greek)
  • Kyvelou S., « From spatial planning to territorial management: the concepts of strategic spatial planning and territorial cohesion in Europe”, ed. KRITIKI, Athens, 2010, (in greek)
  • Kyvelou St., “Current attitudes and lessons learnt in Maritime/Marine Spatial Planning” in Kitsiou D.,Karydis M.(Eds) Marine Spatial Planning: Methodologies, Environmental Issues and current trends, Kitsiou D. and Karydis M. (Editors), NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, Inc., New York, USA. (on press)
  • Kyvelou S.,Marava N. & N.Chiotinis :”Maritime dimension of territorial cohesion and the marine environment as key factor of territorial attractiveness and regional cooperation” in Kyvelou S. (ed.) : “Maritime spatial issues : maritime dimension of territorial cohesion, maritime spatial planning, sustainable blue growth”, ed.KRITIKI, Athens, 2016, (in greek)
  • Papadakis N. & Kyvelou S., «Poverty, youth unemployment, social vulnerability and the challenge of inclusive growth in coastal and island areas : aspects and integrated territorial development policy proposals» in Kyvelou S. (ed.) : “Maritime spatial issues : maritime dimension of territorial cohesion, maritime spatial planning, sustainable blue growth”, ed.KRITIKI, Athens, 2016, p.652 (in greek)

Articles in international/national journals, reviews and conference papers 

  • Kyvelou S., Maritime spatial planning as evolving policy in Europe : attitudes, challenges and trends, European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities – EQPAM (on press)
  • Papadakis N., Kyvelou S., Greek Islands in Crisis: Social Vulnerability and the Need for Integrated Territorial Development Strategies, European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities – EQPAM, Volume 6, No.2, April 2017, pp. 67-88. ISSN 2285 – 4916
ISSN–L 2285 – 4916
  • Kyvelou St., Active ageing and silver economy/tourism in Europe and in Greece of the crisis, 16th Scientific Symposium, The demographic and migration issue : economic, social, environmetal aspects, 8-9 July 2017, Arghostoli, Cephalonia.
  • Kyvelou St.,”Current attitudes and lessons learnt in Maritime Spatial Planning : a focus on conceptual and governance issues in Europe”, International Conference 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “CHANGING CITIES “Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions”, 26-30 June 2017, Syros
  • Kyvelou St., “The sea, new horizon for Greece?” Review of local government and Regional development, Issue Ν.87, Αthens 2017, p.143-150
  • Stella Kyvelou, Nektaria Marava et Nikitas Chiotinis, La dimension maritime de la cohésion territoriale et sa portee géopolitique en mediterranée de Sud-Est,Géographies, Géopolitiques et Géostratégies Régionales, Vol. II, (1), 2014, p. 69-86
  • Papadakis, Nicos and Kyvelou, Stella, (2016), Les îles grecques en crise : niveau de vie multidimensionnel en recul, vulnerabilité sociale et stratégies de croissance inclusive dans l’espace insulaire, Géographies, Géopolitiques et Géostratégies Régionales, IV, issue 1, p. 11-29,
  • Kyvelou St., Pothitaki I-V.”Integration of MSP in national planning systems: convergences, divergences and perspectives” Proceedings of ERSA-GR 2016 Conference, Institute of Regional Development, 24-25 June 2016
  • Stella Kyvelou, Nektaria Marava, Simos Retalis and Ioanna Pothitaki (2013) : An innovative educational tool in disseminating the ESPON knowledge widely: Evaluation and perspectives, Second ESPON 2013 Scientific Report, Science in support of European Territorial Development and Cohesion, December 2013

Upcoming presentations and activities

  • -Kyvelou S., Kitsiou D., “Creating Territorial Evidence for Maritime Spatial Planning”  2nd SMART-MED Euro-Mediterranean Conference on “Smart, Inclusive and Resilient Small and Medium-sized Cities and Island Communities in the Mediterranean: Exploring Current Research Paths and Experience-based Evidence”,  Heraklion Crete, September 28-29, 2017
  • -Kyvelou S., Pothitaki I-V., “Maritime Spatial planning as a tool towards the Europeanisation of the regional seas : the case of the Mediterranean”,2nd SMART-MED Euro-Mediterranean Conference on “Smart, Inclusive and Resilient Small and Medium-sized Cities and Island Communities in the Mediterranean: Exploring Current Research Paths and Experience-based Evidence”, Heraklion Crete, September 28-29, 2017
  • -Kyvelou S., Papadaki M., “Maritime Spatial Planning and shipping : options of co-existance in the Aegean Sea” 2nd SMART-MED Euro-Mediterranean Conference on “Smart, Inclusive and Resilient Small and Medium-sized Cities and Island Communities in the Mediterranean: Exploring Current Research Paths and Experience-based Evidence”, Heraklion, Crete, September 28-29, 2017
  • -Participation in the ENI CBC MED Programme 2014-2020. 

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