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Αυτήν τη στιγμή επισκέπτονται τον ιστότοπό μας 19 επισκέπτες και κανένα μέλος


Supporting partners
Joint fields of activities
Main Activities
AWISH Hellas
Sustainable local development

Sustainable communities

National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria ( NAMCB)
image056 (1)
- Sustainable Urban Development

- Management of Protected Areas, Sustainable Forest Management , Sustainable Tourism, Certification Issues
-Co-host of the International Conference

« The European City : Urbanisation and architecture, security and finance », Sofia , 2-9 September 2006.

-Co-host of the International Conference, The European City : Urbanisation and architecture, security and finance 16-17 September 2007

-Support of the SB07MED&EXPO

10-11-12 Janvier 2008, Athens
Εκκηνική Εταρεία Ακουστικής Οικολογίας
- Real Estate Sustainability

- Sustainable development in the urban project and in urban management
Σύνδεσμος Πολεοδόμων Κύπρου
Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Παθητικού Κτιρίου