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Αυτήν τη στιγμή επισκέπτονται τον ιστότοπό μας 8 επισκέπτες και κανένα μέλος


Supporting partners
Joint fields of activities
Main Activities
AWISH Hellas
Sustainable local development

Sustainable communities

National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria ( NAMCB)
image056 (1)
- Sustainable Urban Development

- Management of Protected Areas, Sustainable Forest Management , Sustainable Tourism, Certification Issues
-Co-host of the International Conference

« The European City : Urbanisation and architecture, security and finance », Sofia , 2-9 September 2006.

-Co-host of the International Conference, The European City : Urbanisation and architecture, security and finance 16-17 September 2007

-Support of the SB07MED&EXPO

10-11-12 Janvier 2008, Athens
Εκκηνική Εταρεία Ακουστικής Οικολογίας
- Real Estate Sustainability

- Sustainable development in the urban project and in urban management
Σύνδεσμος Πολεοδόμων Κύπρου
Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Παθητικού Κτιρίου