Robert SAVY

Robert SAVY, ancient State Councillor, is honorary President of the Limousin Region.  He's now President of the EUROPA Association and Honorary President of the SDMed Association. 

president HonoraireRobert SAVY is associate of public law and political science.
He was Professor at the Faculty of law and economic sciences of Limoges (1966-1986), and then Counsellor of State. His main work focused on economic public law and the urban planning law.
Politician, he was President of the Regional Council of Limousin (1986-2004).
As Deputy he initiated the creation of a system of interregional equalisation.
He contributed to the admission of the idea of territorial cohesion by the
European Union. In his region, he relaunched the Territorial Perspective "Limousin 2007" and created
the first regional public service for the high and very high throughput.